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Quality, Respectful, Confidential Abortion Care.

Planned Parenthood provides the highest quality medical care for your abortion – in a supportive and understanding environment.

Compassionate Care.

Decisions about pregnancy are deeply personal. Our caring professionals can answer your questions, give you accurate information about all your options, and provide non-judgmental support along the way — no matter what you decide about your pregnancy.

Quality Care.

You can feel confident that Planned Parenthood knows and follows all rules and regulations about abortion. We lead the country with the most up-to-date medical standards and guidelines for health care, including abortion. 

Abortion is safe, legal, and common.

Having an unintended pregnancy is common and if you’re thinking about having an abortion, you’re not alone. Abortion is a very safe procedure and we offer the full range of abortion options in a safe, respectful, and confidential environment.

Start with a consultation.

Appointments start with a conversation about all of your options, including parenting, adoption, and abortion. If you decide that an abortion is the best decision for your needs, we offer medication abortion (sometimes called “the abortion pill”) and an in-health center procedure. There are a variety of payment options including financial assistance to those who may need it.

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