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Pre-Pregnancy Planning at PPNCNY!

Pre-pregnancy planning keeps you — and your future baby(s) — as healthy as possible. If you’re thinking about getting pregnant, visit a doctor for pre-pregnancy care.

While high risk pregnancies amount for a very small percentage of preganancies, it is important to be prepared and know what is going on with your body prior to conceiving. There are many things that can happen during your pregnancy that you can’t control, and sometimes things go wrong for random or unknown reasons. However, there are lots of things you can do to help avoid problems and make sure you and your pregnancy stay as healthy as possible.

Getting pre-pregnancy care from your nurse, doctor, or local Planned Parenthood health center before you get pregnant, and having regular prenatal care visits throughout your pregnancy are great ways to help lower your chances of having a high-risk pregnancy.


What happens during a pre-pregnancy appointment at PP?

During your visit, your provider will discuss various topics & help assist you in planning a healthy pregnancy. Your provider may perform exams based on your medical history to rule out any potential risk factors as well. Here are some things you may go over:

  • medical history and family’s medical history

  • current health issues

  • diet, vitamins, and lifestyle

  • safety of any medications/supplements you’re taking

  • pregnancy history

  • safety at home and work

  • mental health concerns

What part does my partner/sperm donor play in me getting pregnant?

Your partners role can be determined by you and your partner in terms of emotional & physical connection, but there is also a variety of health & wellness factors that can affect your chances of getting pregnant that you may want to discuss with your partner/sperm donor.  

Some things that can lower sperm count include:

  • drinking alcohol

  • smoking or using other kinds of tobacco

  • using steroids

  • using illegal drugs

  • using certain prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines

  • recent and frequent time in very hot environments (i.e., hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms)

  • having an unhealthy diet

Will I be able to keep my provider through my pregnancy?

While PPNCNY does not offer pre-natal care, our providers have a variety of trustworthy referrals for gynecologists, midwifes, and family doctors. It is important to find someone you are comfortable with and it is okay to search for new providers if you don't feel 100% comfortable with you first choice - our providers can help you in finding the right doctor for you!

How does someone get pregnant?