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Some people have side effects that bother them after getting an IUD, but these usually go away after a few months. Rarely, the side effects can be serious.

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There can be some negative side effects.

Some people have side effects after getting an IUD. Hormonal IUDs and copper (non-hormonal) IUDs have different side effects.

Your side effects will probably ease up after about 3–6 months, once your body gets used to your IUD. So if you can stick it out for a few months, there’s a good chance any side effects you’re having will eventually go away or be less noticeable. You can keep track of any side effects you're experiencing with our birth control app. If you’re still having pain or other side effects that bother you after a while, or your side effects are really bad, talk with your nurse or doctor.

IUDs don’t protect against STDs.

While IUDs are one of the best ways to prevent pregnancy, they don't protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Luckily, using condoms every time you have sex reduces the chance of getting or spreading STDs. So the thing to do is to use condoms with your IUD.

There are some risks with the IUD, but they’re rare.

Serious problems from IUDs are not at all common, but there are some risks and warning signs to look out for.

IUD insertion can hurt, but the pain doesn’t last long

The process of getting your IUD placed can be painful for some people. It usually feels like strong period cramps. But the good news is, it’s really quick — the worst part is usually over in less than a minute, and then you’ve got really effective birth control that you don’t have to think about for several years. If you’re worried about pain, ask your nurse or doctor about medicine or other ways to help when you make your appointment.

Even if the insertion is not exactly a fun time, lots of IUD users think it’s totally worth it in the end. Hormonal IUDs usually make your periods much lighter and less crampy. And for people who can’t use or don’t want to use hormonal methods (but still want super-effective, non-permanent birth control), copper IUDs are a really great option. So many people are willing to deal with a few minutes of pain in exchange for years of really effective birth control along with the other benefits of IUDs.

More questions from patients:

Does the copper IUD make you gain weight?

Nope! The copper IUD (Paragard) doesn’t cause weight gain.

Because the copper IUD is hormone-free, it doesn’t have many side effects at all. Some people do have heavier, longer periods and more cramping, especially for the first few months.

Remember — everyone has a different reaction to each type of birth control, so it’s about finding what works best for you and your lifestyle. That’s why it’s important to talk with your doctor or nurse and be patient. It might take a few tries to find your perfect method. Contact your local Planned Parenthood health center to get started.

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  • 99% effective

  • Costs up to $1,300, but can be $0

  • Put in by a doctor or nurse

  • Lasts up to 12 years

This IUD doesn’t protect you from STDs. Use a condom with your IUD to help stop pregnancy and STDs.
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