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What You Need to Know About Abortion Laws and Getting an Abortion in Your State

​​The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which means that states can now ban abortion. Some states have banned abortion or created lots of restrictions. But abortion is still legal in many states, and it's legal to go to a different state to get an abortion. Abortion is NOT banned nationwide.

Laws about abortion are changing very quickly. We’re here to help you understand these new laws and how they may affect your options for getting a safe, legal abortion.

Where can I get an abortion?

If you’re pregnant and seeking an abortion, your nearest Planned Parenthood health center or another trusted reproductive health care provider can determine how far along into pregnancy you are and help you understand your options.

Where can I get help paying for an abortion?

If you’re worried about how to pay for an abortion, contact Planned Parenthood (or wherever you have your appointment) to find out about financial help that may be available. Even if you can’t get an abortion in your state, Planned Parenthood can provide information to help you get the abortion care you need in another state. 

You can also visit AbortionFunds.org.

How can I find out what the abortion laws are in my state?

This state-by-state guide has the most up to date information about abortion laws. 

What are the different types of abortion?

There are two ways of ending a pregnancy: in-clinic abortion and abortion pills. Both are safe and effective. You can get either option from some Planned Parenthood health centers and other abortion providers. 

Depending on what state you live in, you may be able to have a video or phone visit with a doctor or nurse for the abortion pill and then have the pills mailed to you. 

Finding and taking abortion pills to end a pregnancy without the help of a doctor or nurse is called “self-managed abortion.” Research shows that self-managing an abortion with abortion pills (mifepristone and/or misoprostol) can be safe and effective. 

But, there may be legal risks* to buying and using abortion pills outside of the health care system. Plan C* has more information about the difference between getting an abortion from a doctor or nurse, like at Planned Parenthood, and a self-managed abortion, including legal considerations.

What else do I need to know?

It’s important to be aware of fake clinics, also known as crisis pregnancy centers. These are clinics or mobile vans that usually advertise pregnancy testing and counseling, but they’re run by people who are anti-abortion — their goal is to shame, scare, or pressure you out of getting an abortion. Crisis pregnancy centers don’t offer a full range of health care services, won’t give you honest information about your pregnancy options, and don’t have to follow privacy laws. Planned Parenthood or AbortionFinder.org can help you find a trustworthy abortion provider.

Remember: If you need an abortion, Planned Parenthood can help to answer your questions, determine how far along your pregnancy is, and help you get the care you need. 

Planned Parenthood believes your body is your own. The dangerous new state laws that ban abortion care are confusing, scary, and just plain wrong. Know that we’ll do everything we can to continue to provide you with the full range of sexual and reproductive health services you need, including abortion care.

*NOTE: Planned Parenthood is not responsible for nor does it endorse any legal, medical, or other advice or information provided by any of the entities identified or referenced herein or by any other third parties, whether referenced herein or not. 

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