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Joe Solmonese is board chair at Planned Parenthood Action Fund. He is senior vice president for government relations and strategic communications at Montefiore Medical Center. He oversees Montefiore Medical Center’s government relations efforts at both the federal and state levels and manages all aspects of strategic communications.

Joe served as CEO of the Democratic National Convention, as the transition chair for PPFA, and as a partner at the corporate consultant firm Gavin/Solmonese. He has devoted his career to advocating for equality and human rights. He served as president of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ+ advocacy organization, and worked for 13 years at EMILY’s List, including serving as CEO. Joe is on the board of directors of the National Partnership for Women and Families and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and is on the advisory board of the Obama Scholars Program at Occidental College. Joe has a BS in communications from Boston University.